A Simple Thought for the Day!!!
"Living in the moment means that you're not going anywhere."- Lyn B., my Yoga Instructor
Our minds are so busy and consumed in looking ahead to all the things we need to do or thinking back to the things we've done. We're constantly looking ahead to achieving goals, performing tasks, or anticipating fun. We're often looking back at reflecting on our recent performance or behavior. Many times, we get stuck on things that went wrong long ago of which we can't let go.
The term "living in the moment" too often gives credence to providing immediate gratification. This represents our "want", as in "I want it now", that feeds on our desires!
During a yoga class this week, Lyn pointed out that "living in the moment means you're not going anywhere." She said that our mind needs only to think of our immediate need, such as the need to breathe, and to feel our breath.
I interpreted this to mean that in the immediate moment, my mind has no place to go. It cannot wander forward or backward. Rather it remains in the moment and focuses on my need at the moment, not my want. It's a subtle difference but a big difference in mindset.
Today, take a minute to stand still. Feel your feet planted firmly on the earth. Take a deep breath to enjoy the pure magic of breathing and the wonder of life!