Have Colleges Lost Their Mind?
A top UNC official was recently asked- "What's your biggest challenge right now?"
She said- "Managing our anxieties."
Managing their anxieties is exactly what they're doing, but to what end?
So, have colleges lost their mind?
No, they have not lost their mind but they have lost their vision. And when you lose your vision, you lose your sense of direction.
They are driving 100 mph in dense fog. College officials are blinded by their intense and desperate need to get kids on campus.
It is their only way to get a hook into the money!
It is well-conceived that a 25% - 40% "no-show" rate awaits many colleges who announce a shutdown campus in favor of stay-at-home online studies.
This will be financially catastrophic to most colleges.
However, they have lost their sense of direction by thinking they can bring several thousand teenagers onto campus and successfully conduct responsible social-distancing policies. Really, how can that work?
We're dissecting all of this for you in our College Clarity FB group, join us here.