Look Who's Running Up the Score
College is a purchasing decision!
Here are 3 top reasons people overpay for college and why most families will continue to overpay.
“Either you know the perspective of college,
or you will overpay. It's a guarantee.”
Go ahead and buy the wrong shoes. No problem, you can toss them in the back of the closet.
Go ahead and buy the wrong color television. No problem, you can easily replace it.
Go ahead and buy the wrong car. No problem, it may cost a bit but you can trade it in for another.
Go ahead and buy the wrong house, and oh, you have a problem, but you can get out of it.
Go ahead and buy the wrong college, and you have a big problem that will stick with you forever. You will incur both tangible and intangible costs-
your retirement savings and your child's future.
Parents are risking it all when they don't understand both sides of this equation. College is a purchasing decision. You are in the market for buying educational services, whereas, the college is in the business of selling educational services.
If it sounds, feels, and looks like a buy-sell process, it just might be one. Not treating it as such is the essence of the problem. Do I have your attention yet?
Reason # 1 why people overpay for college- they don't know any different. They don't learn the college perspective. They fall prey to the big business machine of college. They operate from their own model of thinking, one that's likely out-of-date and out-of-touch; and that's costly. You must know the college's analytics that drives their admissions and scholarship decisions. Without it, your position is greatly compromised.
Reason # 2 why people overpay for college- their child remains unknown to the college admissions office throughout the entire process. They are "Stealth Applicants", a costly tag to have in admissions. They wrongfully believe that the admissions process is merely a process of submitting applications. No, it's a personalized, relationship-based process that results in bigger scholarships. It's that simple, yet that elusive.
Reason # 3 why people overpay for college- the student-applicant's credentials fall short in qualifying for maximum scholarships. Most people think that the academic record for grades and board scores is the final determinant of a scholarship. Wrong, it's the beginning determinant for an admission acceptance. The student's ability to express their vision and plan, reflecting true passion and knowledge, and having real interest in life issues related to college studies is all taken together for maximizing scholarship potential.
Parents and students enter the college process in a weak position.
Colleges occupy the dominant position and they know it taking full advantage of parents vulnerability. But don't blame them. The parents weakness is not their problem. It's the same in sports when a coach gets blamed for "running up the score." Whose problem is that? And that's exactly what colleges are doing, they are running up the score!
They will continue to run up the score until you, the parents of America, decide to become stronger in your position. We can help you with that, all you have to do is ask.