The Secret to Achieving Personal Growth...
"The secret to achieving personal growth during changing times is to focus your energy on building the new,
not on fighting to keep the old."
We've all heard too many times during the Covid-crisis- "I just wish that we could get back to normal."
Breaking News- "Normal" is always in the present. There is never "getting back" to the way things were. Life doesn't work that way.
People get stuck holding on to "the way it was". Businesses get stuck holding on to business models that no longer work. Education gets stuck keeping classes that are no longer relevant.
And then they all wonder why things aren't working out; rarely considering that solutions rest within themselves and their own belief system.
Why does it happen this way? Because "building the new" is much harder than holding on to the old. A simple example is with JC Penney's and Sears going out of business holding onto the old model while Amazon was building the new model.
Someone is always "building the new" while most others are desperately holding on to the old. It's a surest platform for opportunity.
Achieving personal growth comes from embracing the inevitability of change and building upon it.