My wife often says in amazement- "Hans, you're a doer!"
I don't really know any different. Mary also points out that I occasionally do things wrong, ha, okay, I accept that. We don't live this long without having made mistakes. But we don't get important things done by leaving them unattended!
In the quiet closing moments of last week's Yoga class, Lyn uttered softly- "Start small and the world expands."
Bigger words can not be spoken, thank you Lyn!
I think the unwillingness to get started is the one certain way to crush dreams and terminate success plans.
Getting started is always the hard part for anything we do that might be challenging and worthy. But without getting started on our important tasks or projects, we are left to random outcomes, and that's never good enough.
When it comes to college preparation, there's nothing on the calendar that says- today is the day to get started. Without proper notice, people wait, then hope, then wish. It's the basic wait, hope, and wish strategy which is no platform for achieving success, rather, it's a losing proposition.
Today, take 5 minutes to decide upon starting something that is important before it becomes urgent.
For H.S. Freshmen, you can start mapping out your high school class progression looking for opportunities to take meaningful electives.
For H.S. Sophomores, you can start SAT prep for exams that might be ten months away.
For H.S. Juniors, you can start visiting colleges for meeting key people, asking important questions, and forming your responses to their questions.
For H.S. Seniors, you can start researching study programs at your accepted colleges and correlating those studies to possible career opportunities.
For College Students, you can start building your desired image, enhancing your LinkedIn Profile and building your Resume.
For Parents, you can start being the leader in this process that you want to be.
Start small and the world expands...brilliant!
40 Minutes to Save $40,000- watch it here!