What's Worrying Colleges!
"I am thoroughly disgusted with the school." - Parent
For three weeks, I have heard these parent comments made repeatedly, with their voices resounding in disgust.
Comments from students of various high schools-
"They are compromising my future."
"My teachers are lame."
"I've only had one live online class."
"All I've received are assignments." (most common)
Comments from parents of college students-
"Just what did I pay for this semester?"
"This is crazy (we know that)...what's next?"
"I'm not paying the same in the fall."
"We're considering our options."
I posed this question- On a scale of 1-10, 10 being great, 1 is horrible, how would you rate your School's response?
Here are the results-
For College parents and students, the average score is 7.1 with no responses under 5.
I can live with 7.1 for now. These are incredibly hard times for colleges. But they've responded fairly well. Their true test will come with the fall semester ahead.
Then I asked college parents one additional question- 1-10....
What is your willingness to pay full tuition if your child is asked to stay home in the fall?
The common reply- 1.
What does this mean for colleges? It means they are very worried about their student-return rate. They are concerned about the number of Freshmen no-shows. They're scrambling to figure out a workable tuition-policy if their students can't return to campus in the fall.
What does this mean for you, parents of students? It means you have an unprecedented opportunity. For the first time, you have the Power over Colleges! However, you must take advantage of this opportunity now. It will NOT last.
How can we be of service during this unprecedented time?
As the owner and decision-maker at CollegeLogic, I have been putting in overtime to find these opportunities to take the power back from Colleges and currently putting together a select FB Group for families who are serious about taking action over the next few months.
I will be offering this at no cost, but in return, I will only be accepting solution-minded parents. If you believe you fit the bill, then reach out and I will put you on the list of launch families!
Most importantly I hope each of you is safe and keeping in good spirits!
Hans Hanson
PS. High Schools did not score well. They may say the test is unfair, ha! Their score tallied 2.8. The most common response was 1.
Your outcomes reflect the energy you attract!