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    Working on What's Important

    Working on What's Important

    Effective personal management deals with things that are important, not leaving them to become urgent. - Stephen Covey

    Our student's first acceptance came in earlier this week. While most other students do not have a finished essay yet, CollegeLogic students have been busy submitting their applications complete with great essays. 

    Their applications are well-done and are being submitted early. Our students have begun the follow-up process for getting the outcomes they desire.

    For an application to be considered "well-done" by me, it must score 9.0 or higher out of 10 using the following rating criteria.

    To score your applications, rate each item from 1-10, then average your own responses.

    1. Application is completely filled out
    2. Activities list is full, diverse, and interesting
    3. Essay is well prepared, reflecting in personal meaning, possessing timeless value
    4. Covid question is answered in a thoughtful way, reflecting something different 
    5. Supplemental question reflects a unique personal perspective and insight of applicant
    6. All Academic information is provided correctly and self-reported in detail where asked
    7. Application is being submitted in timely fashion
    8. College specific essay questions reflect upon the insight of the student
    9. Choice of Major is properly identified and expressed where requested
    10. The applicant's unique personal qualities, traits, and insights are fully revealed

    Here at CollegeLogic, we work on things that are important before they become urgent. In doing so, our students win the game for preferred acceptances and higher scholarship.

    If raising the score on your application is important, then let's talk. 

    Join our College Clarity FB Group for weekly college updates.

    Be Prepared, Not Scared

    Be Prepared, Not Scared

    "All great performances are done in the unconscious mind."- Dave Jones, Sports Performance Extraordinaire

    Dave Jones is a great sports performance coach. In fact, he is so good, that I've used Dave to help me improve my Bass Guitar show performances.

    He told me early on to practice in the conscious mind to become better able to perform in the unconscious mind, the place where all great performances are done.

    It came to make sense when I realized, after hundreds of hours of practice, that my fingers worked naturally well and without thought during my live shows. It's an amazing thing.  

    I think back to the first time I spoke in front of a live audience...many years ago, and how nervous I was until after I had done it many times. It soon became natural. 

    The same held true to my early days being a radio show guest. I was scared to death in the beginning, now it's easy.

    Over the last 6 months, I've watched people- top executives and small business owners, students and parents, fumbling around on Zoom lacking in the ability to act like they've done it before...and it hurts!!!

    Everyone is up against it. It's not going away.

    You can be ill-prepared and run scared, or, you can learn and practice it until you do it naturally in your unconscious mind. It doesn't happen well unless you get trained on it properly. 

    We recently began hosting educational events on Zoom with two great guests joining me on my first two shows. Now I have a third event scheduled with another fabulous guest lined up- Kerry Barrett, Professional News Anchor and owner of Kerry Barrett Consulting. 

    It's for everyone, from teenagers to adults, from aspiring students to working professionals, all families alike, Kerry will share her expertise with you for improving your personal skills on Zoom, stage, or camera.

    Set aside an hour with the family on Oct 19th, 7:00pm EDT, and be ready to learn from a great professional. 

    Be Prepared, Not Scared!

    Register here to secure your early-bird seat and bonus!

    Join our College Clarity FB Group for daily updates.

    Good Reasons for Poor Performance...

    Good Reasons for Poor Performance...

    Good reasons for poor performance translate into bad excuses.

    Being quarantined and kept from my friends have made everything difficult and no fun.

    I don't have to get up early for online classes.

    Online classes are boring...teachers aren't motivated. 

    My school's online studies are disorganized.

    I can't learn this teachers are not teaching.

    My child doesn't test well...not good under time pressure.

    SAT's were cancelled child's not ready now.

    Have you heard these comments? I hear them... all reasons why someone underperformed. 

    Don't take it personal, but in my life, they may be good reasons but they serve as bad excuses.

    I rarely hear people say- I did poorly, it's my fault. I need to do better.

    That's what I want to hear people say...the world is not so forgiving otherwise.

    Here at
    CollegeLogic, we work with people who have real dreams and big ambitions; people who are willing to take ownership of their outcome. This is the key to college and life success. 

    I realize that college and life success is not for everyone. But if it's for you and your family, then climb my
    5 Steps up the Latter to taking ownership of your outcome.

    1. Embrace internal structure
    2. Improve upon self-discipline
    3. Build upon your work-ethic
    4. Make responsible decisions
    5. Be accountable for your own performance 
    It's time to own your outcome. If you want to learn better how...let's talk!

    It's Time to be Remarkable

    It's Time to be Remarkable

    You can't distinguish yourself from others by doing what they do. 


    I hear every week- "My daughter/ son is so excited that they don't have to take SAT's."

    Don't treat that as a good thing. Do you think you can distinguish yourself from the crowd by being one of the 9 of 10 who opts out of the test? Or do you distinguish yourself by being the 1 of 10 who takes the test and does well?

    You can't distinguish yourself from the pack who take the easier path by taking the easier path yourself! 

    NYU Professor Scott Galloway- "There's never been a better time to be remarkable in the U.S., it's never been a worse time to be unremarkable. The reality is 99% of us and our children are unremarkable."

    Preferred admissions and higher scholarships are earned and won by remarkable students. Here's how "remarkable" is achieved by 
    CollegeLogic students.

    The Essential Groundwork

    • Get up and get your day going with a purpose
    • Schedule rigorous them hard
    • Prepare well for landing a big SAT/ACT score
    • Connect early with the Admission Offices
    • Schedule Zoom calls with Adm. Counselors
    • Maintain a Student-Profile sheet for sharing
    • Submit applications early...waiting doesn't work
    • Show up to meetings prepared, with questions to ask and good answers to their questions

    Ways to Become Remarkable-
    • Write great essays, don't settle for good ones
    • Start up or join a non-profit organization
    • Create a Blog site and post interesting articles
    • Learn to produce a Podcast
    • Learn from courses outside of high school
    • Be globally-minded and aware
    • Have a vision for the future and the ability to express it
    It's time to be remarkable. I can help...let's talk!
    Office # 203.470.3704

    The Greatest Heist since Bernie Madoff

    The Greatest Heist since Bernie Madoff

    Just prior to student arrival, a top UNC official said- "Our biggest challenge is managing our anxieties."

    Just as quickly as students arrived on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus to move into their dorms and begin the semester, 11 Covid-19 clusters quickly formed. Within a week, UNC shut down all live classes in response to nearly 1,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases prompting students to move off-campus or return home.

    In reference to the quote above, a great colleague of mine, Leah Zimmerman, told me once that "words are hard to formulate under stress or fear."

    At the core of a college leader's anxiety rests the fear of losing students and their tuition fees to online studies versus bringing students on campus under a false belief of safety but getting their tuition dollars.

    I've said all along that colleges just need to get the students on campus for one day for setting-the-hook into the money. So far, most have elected to grab the money.

    With mounting student test-positive cases around the country, just about 30,000 as of now, it's the students and their parents who are left scrambling and disenchanted.

    In just the last few days-

    Colorado College put 150 arriving freshmen students into isolation-quarantine due to one person testing positive. 

    Ohio State suspended 228 students for partying; several other colleges have incurred similar suspensions.

    Marist College locked down its primary freshmen dorm due to the positive test of a party-goer.

    Michigan State canceled all of their campus activities... oh, just two days after tuition fees were due.

    Here are my three top takeaways so far with many more colleges yet to have their students arrive.

    1. There are no surprises here; college students will party without taking necessary precautions. You just can't legislate against it and believe it will work. Everyone knew this was coming. But suspensions of students? That's a harsh reality and a lifetime black-eye!

    2. There are no refunds coming either; Colleges have implemented hardline disclaimers preventing tuition refund-claims for compromised study arrangements. Student petitions citing "a drop in the value-proposition" are popping up on college campuses demanding refunds, but still falling on the deaf-ears of college officials.

    3. This shows how desperate colleges are to get our money; they want to cite their expenses as justification for maintaining their fee structure and for keeping the money. I thought in business we needed to prove our worth, not prove our cost. Isn't this, the value-proposition, being taught in Business school? Hmmm...

    You see, Bernie Madoff defrauded clients of approximately $65 Billion. With an estimated industry value of $250 Billion per semester of college, I figure colleges, with all the compromised experiences in place, are worth at best half of it, maybe $125B...but they will keep all of it.  

    My math tells me that families of college students will be defrauded of $125B, double that of Bernie Madoff. It's the greatest heist since Bernie Madoff, and I'll leave it at that.

    If you're unsure what it means to you, plan a call with me, book here.

    Or chime in by joining our College Clarity FB Group 

    Stay tuned for a big announcement coming soon!