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    Your choice of words matter!
    Let's face it, not enough attention is paid to the words we use day-in and day-out. We don't often consider enough the effect placed on the words we choose where small changes can have a big impact. For example, in speaking with Admissions-
    • "Your acceptance is very important to me" is much preferred over saying "My acceptance...". Why? Because using "Your" rather than "My" makes them feel important and not wanting to disappoint you.
    • Asking "Why do you do this job?" personalizes the discussion, transitioning it from being all about "me" while showing interest in them.
    • "What is the maximum scholarship for which youcan offer?" is far more desirable than asking "What kind of scholarship can I get?"
    Engaging the Admissions Counselor in a personal discussion for making them feel important to you, goes a long way towards getting the outcomes that YOU want.

    College is no place to be careless in your communications.

    We can help your child perfect their meetings with decision-makers while on campus visits for building value in them.
    CollegeLogic, GetCollegeRight
    Office # 203.470.3704


    If You're Not Getting Ahead, Then You're Falling Behind

    If You're Not Getting Ahead, Then You're Falling Behind

    When it comes to the college game, YOU DON'T START THE GAME 0-0!

    When it comes to sports, board, and card games, you either start at the same point or at 0-0. Not so when it comes to the college game. Rather, the college game begins with them having a big advantage. Why so? It's their game to which they set the rules putting parents in a big hole from the beginning.

    Colleges own the relationships, the outcomes, and the power-position. If you don't take assertive action to reverse it, then they will win the game in the end, not you! 

    How do you take back the power-position?

    Follow our 5 Key-Word Approach:

    1. Match...colleges to your qualifications, interests, needs
    2. Connect...with the key decision-makers of the college
    3. Visit...the right colleges, meet the right people
    4. Personalize...your approach, build value in the student
    5. Understand...the big business of college and how it applies to your opportunity

    In short, that's our exclusive "Secret Sauce". Would you like to learn more about it? 

    Don't fall further behind. Level the playing field now.

    Book your free half-hour call with me 


    CollegeLogicGetCollegeRight- Office # 203.470.3704

    College is a Debt-Fueled Business

    College is a Debt-Fueled Business

    Colleges will protect their business model with greater determination than parents will protect their finances.

    This is what you're up against when contemplating college ahead for your children, and it doesn't get enough attention. Well, does this get your attention?

    • College is a $500B industry, with $300B of it financed.
    • Federal Student Debt now exceeds $1.5 Trillion.
    • Parent's College Loans exceeds $4.0 Trillion. 
    • Dozens of Colleges have Endowment Funds > $1B.
    • Over 50 colleges now cost $70,000+ per year.

    You don't think colleges are worried about you and your finances, do you? Do they seem worried when you come for a visit? Are they quick and helpful in protecting your interests for saving college costs? Not for a second!

    College is a debt-fueled business and parents across America are rushing to contribute. But not our parents, we all know better than to be sucked up into the massive Business-Machine known as College. 

    There are many things you can do to save on college costs.  With a simple click, we have 8 Top Reasons People Overpay for College described for you.

    And if you like that, then you'll love our book-

    Dissecting the Big Business of College.

    These are just a few ways we help families get college right. If you like it, then let's talk- book an appointment now. 



    Office # 203.470.3704

    College Visits? Don't be like everyone else!

    College Visits? Don't be like everyone else!

    Don't just show up, take a tour, sit in an information session, then leave...

    That's what 95% of America does as they plan for college visits, thinking that they are suppose to take a tour, sit in an information session, then leave. They're playing checkers when college more resembles a game of chess.

    I'm not saying it's wrong to take a tour and sit in an information session, but I am saying that it's very bad and ineffective to then leave without meeting the key people.

    Meeting the key people means to meet-

    • An Admission Counselor
    • A Financial Aid Advisor
    • A person in your anticipated Dept. of Study
    • For athletes, the Head Coach

    Leaving the college without meeting these people will leave you scratching your head for get checkmated!

    The key to an effective college visit is to meet the key people and ask them the right questions...what questions are those?

    Must-Ask Questions making College Visits effective 

    These are just some of the ways we help families get college right. If you like it, then let's talk book an appointment now...Checkmate!



    Office # 203.470.3704

    "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn."- John Maxwell

    I love that quote. Have you heard it before? It's very appropriate when it comes to college. In getting college right, you must know that the Admissions & Application season begins with the live launch of The Common App.

    If you know the process for submitting completed and timely applications, then you know that August is the month to get rolling. You would also know that complexities exist within applications that you can't ignore in hopes your child knows better...that would be a big mistake. However, it's a mistake you could learn from for your next child's college, ugh!
    Let's get to winning by learning now, not later.   

    Well-written and early submitted applications win higher acceptance rates and bigger scholarships. Why? Because it reflects in a serious intention of the student and importance to the student.

    Poorly-written and late submitted applications are not well received, typically resulting in quick denials and an important learning lesson...a costly lesson at that. 

    Why do student-families submit late applications? Because they are not due yet. After all, deadlines are still months away.
    Why do students submit poorly-written or incomplete applications? Because they get rushed.

    I ask you one question-
    Is having your child's application rushed and submitted just under the deadline an effective strategy for winning college acceptances and scholarships? 

    Our families win preferred acceptances and maximum scholarships by getting ahead early. You can too. If you would like to discuss how then
    book an appointment with me now. 

    We discuss these things and much more on our educational webinars. Join us on my next webinar coming up shortly.
    Webinar - 50 Minutes Can Save $50,000

    And please follow us on Facebook Live. I'll see you there! 


    CollegeLogic, GetCollegeRight
    Office # 203.470.3704